Rancho Mission Lot 70 Card 6
RANCHO MISSION LOT 70 CARD 6.tif.JUH.CHD... MI.SSI!li._... LQT 70 ~~ r~ "" 6 Per Lnt 70- ~~rmlt tn q ~ Cl"""!T'O')rl ""l.lo, f'.,, "l()';D/S'PD 0-J. Rr> l'."---.. ~-------------~ =-- ~-- """-------.,,,---- Por- Permit to Lake Country Const Co., owner; Am. Housing Guild, lessee, to erect & maintain for a period not to exceed one year one post mour:ted, single.faced, unlig1.ted, 4 1 x 31 directional sign advert "Upstairs", a new subd, 0:1 Lake Murray Blvd. across st from San Carlos Dr., R-1 Zone, ~~~~::.:_: 1--~J <__ L~t_______,.._______-------~~~~-~~:-~:~~--------::::~:~~-- Lot 70-(Por per legal on f lle)- Fermi t DENIED to Calpar Building Corrrpe.ny, ownec, and Wylie, Lessee, to ma:Lnta.in for a period of one year, existing'.;)' x 10' doubJe-faced, directional sigr, with l' x 10' rirler on top of sign; slgn advertises "lakeridge Homes";.Navajo Road, nortn si.de of Jackson)rive, Zone R-1-'.;). c.----;~ ' 5 ",_;; t. /::. J._--- LP ~ Case No. 8709 6-12-68-------------------------- Por Lot 70 & lots A,F & G- Permit to sunset lnt'l Petroleum Corp, owner & AR Wylie, Lessee, to main exist 6' x 10 1 double-faced, post mounted, directional sign for per of l yr n side Navajo Rd, Zone R-l-5, DENIED as requested but APPROVED one 4' x 8' sign with max ht of 8 1, cond' l no ext 6-24-69 Case no 8743 7-22-68