Rancho Mission Lot 69 Card 2
RANCHO MISSION LOT 69 CARD 2.tif 'fo RANCHO MISSION LOT 69 CARD# 2 Por- Permit to Tavares Development Co to maintain exist sign, approx 24 1x 81, approx. i50 1 west of Lake Murray Blvd & 50 1 N of city limits, interim zone R-1. 1 yr to expire 7-13-60. Case 2596 J 6-26-59 v Por,- Permit to.American,Housing Guild Sales Copp to const 81x 181 double-faced movable sign approx 28 1 in height, back of SB area, W of Lake Murray Blvd approx 300 1 NE of intersection Jackson Dr & Lake Murray Blvd,Interim R-1 zone; for 1 yr to expire 6-30-60. Case N0 l!I572 v' 6-12-59 v-------------------------------------------- Por Lot 69 & 70, Permit to s. D. Unified School Dist. to const Forward Elem. School, N of Jackson Dr. at Lake Murray Blvd, R-1, cond'l. Case 2668 7-17-59-------------------------- Per Lot 69, Permit to American Housing Guild Sales Corp to construct sign max of 8 1x 24' for a period of 1 yr, to expire 6-30-60(DENIED 12 1x 28 1 sin faced free-standing sign) Nly side Lake Murray Blvd adj to proposed Navajo Rd. Case 2573 ti 6-12-59 AMENDED 9-10-59 to change sign to be two-faced 11V11 shaped sign for 1 yr expire 6-J0-60 I/'-f;r---.r;~it to-T;v~r;s-D;v;1;~;t-lfo,-o;~r-&-Bla.;k-M~1mti1i Little-i.;ag~;,-lessee,-to operate one little league baseball diamond with bleachers, backstop, &reffesh. stand, per plans on file, on Tenta Lot 2, San Carlos~ 7, Nill cor Lake Badin Dr. & Lake Adlon Dr. cond' 1. Case 3324 4-29-60 Po,,; Permit to Lake Country Coostruation ca,1 to"const Q~ 6 1x 12 1 double-faced tu directional slgn,E slde Lake lVIurray B vd approx ~O I N of Lake Arianna, I'- R-1, for 'l yr to expire 5-28-60. Case 2505 5-22-59, I \