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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 67 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION LOT 67 CARD 1.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 67-, I Card:/1:1.. J Por- Permit to Union Title & Trust co. to erect 81 x 10' panel. sign in connection with a proposed sub and acreage along Alvarado Canyon Rd. Zone R-1 (expires 6-30-50) Amended-exp date 6-30-5l)(Res 4807) Res 47'79 6-28-50-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For-Permit to Dennstedt Investment Co. to constr 4 model. homes on Lots 1-4, to be known as Dennstedt Point #1 on most Sly St. of this Unit at Cotoctin St.- for period of l year Res. 5245 1-10-51 For- Permit to The Vinl.ey Corp to erect a tract sign, approx 10' x 23' advertising Del Cerro of the Hill Sub on the N side of Al.varado Freew8 for l year. Res. 9026 7-6-55 For- and Lots 1691-1695, Allied Gardens #6- Permit to So. Calif Dist of Lutheran Cllurch Missouri Synod to constr church blclgs. at SWly end Easton Ct. Cond '1. Res. 9272 10-26-55 For- Permit to Sam Berger Invest Co,-, owner and Pac Tel & Tel, optionee for installation & operation of a radio telephone transmitter station. Cons 'l. C-392 5-2-56 For- Permit to John F, Euston (Burgener-Tavares) rel.ey station for mobile radio, etc. C-1518 12-4-57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------