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Development Services

Rancho Ex-Mission Lot 60

RANCHO EX-MISSION LOT 60.tif AANCHO EX-MISSION LOT 60.I.I Por tot 60 & 70- Permit to The Ed Fletcher Co., a corp; Golden Paving Materials, a corp., & J.B. Stringfellow Co., a partnership, composed of J.B. Stringfellow, Sr. 8o J.B. Stringfellow, Jr., each an undiviided one-third interest, to operate a facility for tile extraction of natural. resouraes located nortberly of Mission Gorge Rd. & Ely of proposed Mound Ave. 8o Interim R-lA zone. CUP C-5594 8-15-63 Por 60 & por of Lots C & E, por of Lot 70- Permit to Ed Fletcner Co., own & Kaiser Cement & Gypsum Corp, permittee & V.R. Dennis Constr Co., permittea to operate a borrow pit & Quarry for rock excavation witll tile use of portable crushing & screening equip, located Nly of the intersection of Mission Gorge Rd. & Conestoga Way, Zone R-1-40. 238-P6 3-3-70 Por- Planned Residential Dev. Permit to Home Bus. Dev. Corp, Owner & Shappell Industries Permtttee to const &-oper PRO located NE side of Tierrasanta Blvd., east of La Cuenta__di ff ~r /! ~ ~-?- 7 7.)-~~-'1-~k.~D_ #75_____ 10-30-75_________