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Rancho De La Nacion Sec. 103 Card 1

RANCHO DE LA NACION SEC. 103 CARD 1.tif-RANCHO DE LA NACION!. SEC. 103 f}'Y CARD #1 !?, w-fr of S 5 acres of E of W of ffi.1 of Quarter Sec 103- Permit to c. H. and Lillian M. Mc Cormach, owner, & James H. Tarvin, purch to erect a sin fam res on the 2 acre parcel in the 5600 Block on Allegheny St., (except the S 30' which is a dedicated St.) Res 4-12-4 Sly 230' of the E 1 of ~- Permit to Land Title Insurance Company to const a church & parkg lot for the congregatn on Alleghany St. in?aradise Hills, provided the parkg lot b la.ndsca ed within mo. after co letion of church Res 1-28-46 W of E2 of~ of Sec. 103- Permit to Ethel Titus & Gertrude Stemerick to divide prop on the W side of Alleghany St. near Reo Dr into 2 parcls, ea with 82 ft st. frontage, to permit one sin fam res on ea parcl.. Res. 1661 8-1-46 w of E 2)~ of swfr of Sec. 103- Ext of 6 mo. to Ethel Titus & Gertrude Stemerick to diVide prop on W side of Alleghany St. near Reo Dr. into 2 parcls ea with 82 ft st frontage, to permit one sin fam res on ea parcl Res 2016 1-30-47 Por of Ely of Wly of SWly of Sec 103- Permit to Edward & Marie Smith to diVide a parcl of land 166 1 frontage & 200' depth, into 2 parcls to permit one sin fam res on ea prcl proVided ea parcl has equal st frontage, N side of Alleghany St. about 20' W of Flintridge St, Res 2165 4-10-47 Por. of Ely of the Wly of the SWly of fr Sec. 103- Fermi t to Robt F. and Esther M. Brackett to di Vide said parcl into 2 lots, facg Alleghany St., W of Flintridge Dr. and Const sin fam res on ea. Res 3253 6-30-48 E 160' of the W 165' of S 140' of SE 1/4- George F & Louise Hodgkinson to const sin fam res on said parcel, on Westport St. AGREE# 478 8-7-47