Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 81 Card 1
RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 81 CARD 1.tif RANCHO * LA NACION ~UARTER SECTION 81 S of Wly of Sly 26' of Nly 324' of Wly 330' Harriet M. Longmore to permit a sin fam res /b of sw- Condl permit to Charles H. and Card # I Res. No, 1 7 6-6-46 condl permit to Glenn E. Cox and the 9th and E Corp. to Res. No, 1 1 8-2-46,;,-_;,";;.' 7,32' of the N 'of the W 1 5'- Permit to R. O. Pinains, J, J. Russell, Homer W. Brown & Ninth & E Corp., to divide into 4 parcels (see resolution) to permit one sin fam res on each parcel, Sea Breeze St. bet Fotome.c & Schuyler Sts. Res. No. 184 10-24-46 Nly 2 of the Wly 2 of the Sly 2 ft, of Nly 32 ' of the Wly 330' of the SW2- Fermi t, condl, to Doris W. Schaefer to const a sin fam res on said parcel, E side of Sea Breeze, 100' S of Lauder St. See res. Res. No. 27 1 12-1-4 S Bo of N 110' of W 1 5' of~ Sec. 1- Permit to Arthur E. & Frances constr sin fam res at SE Cor Allegheny St. & Sea Breeze Dr., Zone R-1 Res. No. 4823 For of swfr of Quar Sec 81- Fermi t to Gustav & Esther Wi ttfoht to erect aprox 2443 Sea Breeze Drive, condl Res. No. 6574 7-1250 sin fam res on 6-25-52