Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 53
RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 53.tif RANCHO DE LA HAC IOI * 9,UARTER SECTION 53 r Portion & (Por Lot 12, Rancho Mission & por Lots 18 & 22, Encanto) Permit to S. D. Unified School Dist to c onst & operate proposed Sat uel F.B. Morse High School at Skyline Drive, if of Tuther lfay, R-1. c.u.P. condl Case 3853 4-14-61------------------------------ Por (& Por of i Sec. 54, Rancho de la Nacion)- permit to the City of San LJiego, owner & Trans-Video Corp., lessee, to construct 10 1 x 10 1 ta.evision signal booster equipment bldg. & two 70' telephone poles with attached antennas furnishing service to immediate area l!ll!I 1/2 mile north of Paradise Valley Rd., Zone R-1-5. Case No.7379 10/8/65 for (&Por of i Sec. 54, Rancho de la Nacion)- AMEND above to include const of a 7~ high chain link fence with a three-strand barb wire ext across the top inverted at a 45 angle. Case No. 7379 10/29/65-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion- Permit GRANTED to Genstar Development, Inc., owner/permittee- filed an application for Hillside Review Permit to develop subject property, located on north side of Paradise Valley Road, between Woodman Street and Division Street, Zone R-1-5. (See also Quarter Section 77, 78, & 54 RANCHO DE LA NACION) HR P #155 1-8-80