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Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Sec.104 Card 3

RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SEC.104 CARD 3.tif RANCHO DE LA NACION SEC 104}i CARD #3 Sly 8o' of Nly 24o' of Sly 520' of the NW- Permit to M. G. Ingle to alter illegal fence to a hgt of not more that 30" abv the grade on tt portion of the lot beynd the SB line and that remainder of the fence shall be cut dwn to a max hgt of 6 1 abv the lowest adj grnd lvl 1438 Mariposa St. Res 2913 2-25-48 Por. of the NW of fr Sec 104- Permit to A, R. E side of Mariposa St. at the No. end thereof, & Demah E. Mouser to to have 70' frontage Res 4444 const a sin faro res on Nw/i- of fr Sec 104 por- Permit to Max M. & Velma M, Williams to erct sin Mari osa st. a; rox 240' N of 4th St. Ext. Nat'l Cit Res 66 0 r. 4 of 11 Sec 104, por-Permit to Chas H. & Pauline Betz to erect sin faro res on Mariposa St. at 4th St. ext. Nat'l Cit, Res 66 1-2- 2 I~ of 4 Sec 10, por-Permit to Adolf & Sohpia Johnson to div por into 2 par, ea 100' st, fr. & 110' dee & erect sin faro res on vacnt ar E Div Res 6 4-1- 2 NW{;- por- Permit to Wm. E. & Judith J. Steinback to oper part time commer artist studio, 5650 E. 4th for 2 yr (dond'l) Res 7764 9-30-53 ext of 2 f!.S- 6-13-61 NW of ~- Permit to Chas M. & Theresa M. Beall to const res with att gar & stable for horses, on prcl of land without st fr but served by ease from 2nd st., Nat'l City, 28 1 easemnt to b grntd for extension of 2nd St when City requires it, 2nd & Harbison, Nat'l Res 7871 11-13-53 City