Rancho De La Nacion # 82 Card 2
RANCHO DE LA NACION # 82 CARD 2.tif 7 RANCHO DE LA NA;~~-~-- Quarter Section. 82..,:.-.-.,.__,CARD #2. ' Por- Permit to Walter & Frances Gaska, owners, to const & operate a fi-unit retirement:'~ facility for the elderly, located Nly of Seascape Dr. & Sly of Winchester St., Zone R-1~5, Condl.- 6 mo~ ext. t <; ~'9,' 8~/J~;,,:/11/65)_,.c;.y.P. Ca~e.No. 662.CJ,J,v/ C, 8-14-64__ JF~-';/;;t;;.~- ~---'-Z,t'L1-/~::J--J,d[_:t.t...__-,-j.Jie._______________ For- AGRE;EMl:Ji"I If 569 to "' ohn i:. i-'.ontgomery to const sin fa.m res on above describea prop, to be 70 ft. from the 1 prop line ai,d 25 ft. from E prop line 5/11/49------------------------------------------w 264' of E 594 1 of N 3.301 of NW t: of NWt- Permit to Walter Gaska & Frances Gaska, owner & Raymond M. Berney, lessee to const & operate a 62-bed retirement facility& accessory uses, Cond 11. CC Res. No. 19.3146 CUP Case No. l6ii,-PC 3-19-68-----------------------------------------------------------------Conditional Use Pe,nmit extension granted in above Case Gaska unti I May 16, l9p0.-fylv,,,0____it..;;~L___ Case.if " //..en,_;_~ (5.2.C/-7 A),,,,.,, (s-i.J. 7:i..) NoO 164-PCcto Walter Gaska & France: N 164-PC +b-~-12=,?-Z-........