Rancho Bernardo Presbyterian Church Sub
RANCHO BERNARDO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUB.tif RANCHO BERNARJ:Jc)' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUB ~. ffiz.:..~,, Por- Permit church plant cond'l. to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. Owner and United Presbyterian Church, purch to constr on par on West side Poroerado Rd., 400' North of Rancho Bernardo Rd. tone R-1-5. 6 mos ext to exp Amended 12-3-74 8-4-65 c-6616 8-4-64 1 yr ext to exp 8-4-66 (6-28-65) Amended 9-14-65 Lot l- Permit to Rancho Bernardo Corrnnunity Church for AMEND to c-6616 to enlarge exist church & perm new sanctuary w/ seating cap of 630 where exist cap is 270 at 17010 Pomerado ~~-A:_l_'L_Q._?,_.:~:-~::~::~~~--:=~~=~-------------------~==~=~~--------- Lot l- ZA APPROVED Variance request of RANCHO BERNARDO COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH to construct a chapel addition to an existing church; said chapel permitted by CUP No.91-0384. Modifications to said chapel to measure a max. height of 57 1 where 30 1 is max. height permitted, located at 17010 Pomerado Road, Rl-5000 Zone, Rancho Bernardo Communitu Planning Area, Council District 5. Conditions. C-20995 8/28/92