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Rancho Bernardo Cabrillo # 5 Card 1

RANCHO BERNARDO CABRILLO # 5 CARD 1.tif RANCHO CABRILLO UNIT~ Lot 6o6, Permit to Ames Construction Co. to maintain l 2 1 x 10 1 sign, 0 1 SB at 8889 Polland St SW corner Polland & Chauncey Dr, (12 1 SBon Polland & 15' on Chauncey r~) cond'l. Zone R-1 Case 2153 12-1-58 Lots 606, 607, 608, 609, Permit to \mes Const. Co. to use residences for model homes with in gar. on Lot 606, & one sign 2 1 x 10' identify sales off, SW corner Polland ~ve. & Chauncey Dr, Zone R-1, cond 11. Case 2152 " 12-1-58 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L0t 671- TABLED-req. of Mr. Don Vi. fletcher to const 18':x: 30'6" fam rm & 9':x: 30' screened sunshade addns to sin fam res; fam rm addn to obs 18' rear yd & sunshade struc- ture to obs 10' rear yard where a 20' rear yard is required. Case 7140 5/21/65----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: ot 657- Permit to Walter S. & Elizabeth Becker to canst a 6 1 x J0 1 fam room addn to exiiq ing fam res, addn to obs 15 1 rear yd where 20 1 rear yd is req, at 2659 Russmar Dr. at he end of the cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. Case No. 7854 9-16-66 Lot 635- AGREEMENT #1418 to at 28ol Cllauncy Dr., Zone R-1-5--...,r--------37---rsr Sam & HaC\1111 Rosenberg to install bar sink in:f'am rm add 2/16/66 zzszsnw szz777------------------------------------