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Development Services

Rancho Bernardo Cabrillo # 3 Card 1

RANCHO BERNARDO CABRILLO # 3 CARD 1.tif RANCHO CABRILLO UNIT #3 Lots 349 thru 354- Permit to Tri-W one home to bused as sls ofc also, condl ~ 2, '?O ~ 4(CARD #1 Bldrs, Inc. to const 6 model homes (one of ea lot) at SE cor Murray Ridge Rd. & Pine Crest Ave. for 1 Res No 9382 1-18-56 yr.,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 352- Condl permftto Tri-W Builders Inc. to use exist. res & gar for model home & sls ofc on Murray Ridge Rd. bet Pine Crest & Polland, R-1 C-1725 3-14-58 Lot 355, dir sign 10 days Lot 355, Tri-W Bldgs, Inc. lessee & Robert Willett, owner, DENIED permission to const 3'x5' at 8731 Pinecrest, Zone R-1, & also exist 4 1 x8 1 sign is to b rmvd frm lot within C-2174-A 12-26-58 above DENIED to bld said sign ovs 0' SB frm Pinecrest Ave. & Greyling Dr. C-2175-A 12-26-58 Lot 392, Tri-W Bldrs, Inc. permit to maint 2' x 10' dir sign at SE crnr of Greyling Dr. & Polland Ave, Zone R-1, Francis Jackson, owner; for 1 yr. to exp l-15-6o. C-2174-B 12-26-58 Lot 392, above granted permission to maint the sign obs O' SB frm Polland Ave. & Greyling Dr., to expire l-15-6o C-2175-B 12-26-58 Lot 357- Eugene & 4 1 x 81 free-stand Zone R-1 Rosalee Borden, own, & Cabrillo Const Co., lessee, DENIED to maint sign back of SB advert model homes for 6 mos at 2926 Grey] ing Dr. C-3415 6-24-60