Pueblo Vista # 8 Card #1
PUEBLO VISTA # 8 CARD #1.tif Card # I ' '.....-, PUEBLO VISTA #8 Lot 51- TABLED variance requelltt of Poplar Investment Co., Owner, Foodmaker Co., lessee to const & maintain a drive-thru restaurant with signs listed below on premises, with hours of oper. from 9 am to 10 p.m. where restaurant entirely located & conducted in bldgs with hours of 6 am to 10 pm permitted, signs attached to face of bldg. & not,to proj above eaves or parapet perm. Signs all lighted: l 4-sided 8' x 91 gm wid sign with revolving head with 5 1 sphere on top (Jack in the Box); l 21 x 41 double faced triangle ground sign advertising ''Malts"; l 1016" x 1016B2menu board sign; l 21 x 1019" double faced "Drive Thru" sign; 4 216" x 216" directional sings (1-ffl> lace Order Here", l "Jack will speak to you" (with head on top); 2"Menu Board") 3 51 x 51 direc signs att to cor ob bldg (l''Place Order Here" l "Jackin-the-Box", 1 119~ Hamburger") See plans. all back of setback. at 7530 Artillery Dr. Zone RC-lA. Case No. 7252 7/16/65 Por. Lot Sl (Parcel "A" DP #138)- The Asst. z. A. conaidered the app of Poplar Investment Co owner. Bi Texaco Oil Co., lessee t.o-const service station on premises with hours of operation to befrom,6:00 A.M. to 12:00 Midnight and to perform minor automotive repairs including brake replacement and wheel aligning and fronl-~~~.. and to erec1. one 141 101 x 6'-4" revolving "Texacon ground sign. at 75jO"'lr!mir.,-'45rr, betw NE cor of Ash ford St. & Artillery Dr Zone RC-lA; and after coqaideration of the bJlwwtH8 finding of facts has DENIED the request to extend the hours ot operation form 6: A.M. to 12:00 Midrd.gil but. GRAN1'ED permission to operate the service station from 6 A.M. to 11100 P.M. J has DENIED the request to perform automotive repairs other than t.hose permitted in the R-C-lA Zone; has GRANTED the location of the requested sign as shown on the plot plan submitted with the application. COND'L. J____.J~__-~ A.Jl&S__ e N_o. 7760 / 7-25-66- ~~~l',IJl,A,I L.-3'1