Pueblo Lots 1312 & 1313 (Partition Of Lot 1
PUEBLO LOTS 1312 & 1313 (PARTITION OF LOT 1.tif PUE:9LO LO':'.'S lJl;.2 & 15-l;.i (Pa.r~it;lon of!.oi; I) ~~-& 3f-_ Portions of- Feroit to LuciM s. & Fredrk~ka s. tfo1re to split out por B, erect s:ng f'am___!e~ _n_L;_lo,!l!:,..b.2,r~s_D,!i,!e_________ ____]!e~._M2_._6!,21____,!-,l0:.'.5g_ Por. 1312- Penni t to Mobilhome Corp. for Jii,.dre'li & Helen Anderson to move a single family res fran 2751 Frontier S to 9030 La Jolla Shores Drive (Por Lot I) HM Res 15': 0 1-29-5;--------------------------------~~=---aa==.::u.a---=~-~=---==-----=-=- Por 1313- Permit to W. H. Black to oper real estat. tract office & eng. office for 1 yr. in exist res (to be known as Lot 45 on Te,.tative Subd Map of La Jolla-Farms on West. Blvd.) & permit one directional sign, Jll&.X 10 sq.ft. in area Case No. 246 Sept. 23 1 1955 Por of Lot H- Pennit to Wm. H. & Ruth F. Black, owners, & La Jolla Cliffs Chapel, pur. to erect church bldg & parsonage, cond'l Res. No. 6669' 8-6-52 ~-2:..=~-=.2..s.____________________.--------- Por P.L. 1312 & 1313- Permit to W. H. Black to const caretaker's house with kitchen, on parcel served by private rd from West Blvd., R-1 Case No.:469 5-21-56--------------------------------------------------Por 1313- One yr. ext. to Case No. 246 ABOVE, Mn. H. Black, to continue real estate office only,,nth 10 sq.ft. sign Case No. 246E 10-2-56 1-21-59 V