Pueblo Lot 335 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 335 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 335 41 Por- Permit to L. F, Conti, D.V.M,, 1617 t,vrtle Ave. to erect & operate pet hospital at Rosecrans & Kurtz St. Res 70087 10-10-39 Por- Permit DENIED to Howard Teylor Dodge, Lessee and Glenn H. & Evelyn Kenaston, Owners, to erect {l) 277 sq. ft. of wall sign on Rosecrans St. where 164 sq. ft. is perm (2) 433 sq. ft, of wall sign on Camino Del Rio where 158.63 sq. ft. is perm, at 3740 Rosecrans St, betv Kurtz St. and Camino Del Rio. Zone M-1. c-13035 6-11-75