Pueblo Lot 239
PUEBLO LOT 239.tif \\ ~ NEJ.y 250' of SEl.y 255- Permit to E.F. Weerts to const a.ddn to Florist Shop, 3005 Midway Res#6337 4-2-52-----------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------NEly 2501 of SEl.y 255'- Permit to E.F. Weerts to move & remodel exist florist shop partly in C Zone & Party in R-4, on Wl.y cor Midway Dr. & Rosecrans. Besf/6638 12-8-54 NEly 250' of SEJ..y 255'- to amend ABOVE res. for E.F. Weerts to move the florist shop & have 1'8,. side yd on Wly cor Midway Dr & Rosecrans. Resf/6698 1-5-55-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Cond'l Permit to Frank F. Faust, owner; Point Loma Garden Apartments (Thomas M. Kel~ Partner) to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed one year two post-mounted, lighted, double-faced signs fronting on Resecrans St., each f~ce of sign to be 4 1x5', and real estate pennants as shown on plans; all advertising Point Loma Garden Apts, where sign attach to face ot' bldg, is perm, at 3175 Cauby St., R-4 Zone. c-5484 2-13-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to Eberhardt F, & Clara S. Weerts, owners; Peck Buick, lessee to const comm. bldg. on par for use by automobile agency with auto repair gar & other usual related services where retail auto sales & multiple dwellings, limited doctors offices are perm, on Midway Dr., SW cor Midway Dr. & Rosecrans St,, 3005 Midway Dr, C & R-4 Zones- Cond'l C-5999 10-10-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------