Pueblo Lot 178
PUEBLO LOT 178.tif PUEBLO LOT 178 Por- Permit to Wm. P. Lodge to erect retaining wall 81, max 20' long at rear, adjacent,~to Armada Terrace and Armada Place Res 4510 3-8-50 Por- Permit to Carol S. & Wm, F. Carey, Jr to constr res on par split out tfter zoning but prior to 12-5-54, served by 2 recorded easements, W side of Rosecrans at rear of 820 Rosecrans. Res 8777 3-2-55 Por- and Por Lot B, Cuesta Loma- Permit to Jerry Acbtenhagen & Sons, Inc, to constr sin tam res & gar on parcel split before 12-5-54 at 835 Armada Terrace, Zone R-1. Cond 11. c-2182 3-13-59 c-~183 DENIED 6 1 B from Armada Pl but APPROVED 10' SB for gar and 8' SB for res. Cond'l. (20' SB is average of block)---------------------------------------------~--.------------------------------------------ Por- Permit to Richard Needham to: (I) constr a 2-story SFD to obs a 5' front yd from an easment;(2) erect approx 14' 9f 8 1 hi retain wall obs a O' int side yd where a max 6 1 hi wall is permitted in reqd 4 1 int side yd; (3) provide access frrm a 15' wide easement frm Armada Pl at 844 Rosecrans St,, Zone R-1-5, C-15499 11/17/~8