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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1774 Card #3

PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD #3.tif PUEBLO LOI' 1774 E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4- AGREEMENT #576 to Ray H. Crimmel, Jr., to divide the abotie describj property into four building sites, two facinf on La Jolla Rancho Road, and two without street frontage, but served by a private right of way JO ft. in width, and per-wit a sin fam res on ea and have applied for a Zone Variance under Application No; 6508, dated 9/28/49 1/18/49------------------------------------------------------~ E 1/2 of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4- AGREEMENT J575 to William M. Loeltz to divide said parcel into 4 lots, two fronting on La Jolla Rancho Road and two served by private easements and permit a sin fam res on ea, h~ve applied for Zone Variance under Appl. No. 6687, 11/20/48 1/18/49---------------------------------------------------- por <; 63 1 of the NE~," of t' e NE of the W} of the N} lexc. the Wly 25 1) and N82 1 of the SE of the NE of the E-} of the N (exc. the Wly 25 1)- John B. Wilson and Beatrice L. Wilson to const one sing fam res on a parcel ol land 305 1 x 145' without street frontage but served by a 25 1 easement and have applied for a zone variance by application #4567 dated 2/21/47 AGREEMENT #454 3/13/47