Pueblo Lot 175...Ptn Of P.L 176 Card 2
PUEBLO LOT 175...PTN OF P.L 176 CARD 2.tif ,umotoT1zr(NE11ttt,etnofp;r;,zb_ IC, tardWo. 2 l1IJI Permit to Stan Newcomb to erect a single fam res on portion of NE 1/4 of P.L. 175 & port~ of P.L. 176 on Bayfront N. of Rogers St with a 51 rear yd & 11 1 setback from private rd adjoining ~roperty Granted by (Ord. 32 N.S.) Res. 75837 12/23/41---------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.L. 175 SW 1/4- Erect 5 dwellings eacn on a parcel of at least 6000 sq. ft. be, and it is hereby amended to permit a 4th residence on a parcel containing more than 5000 but less than 6000 sq. ft. Granted to Walter Trepte & Geo H Stone Res. 76006 1/20/42 Permit to Lloyd J. Rademaker, 717 Arnold Terr. to erect res. on ptn of P.L. 175 with 0 1 setback from Rogers St & 12 1 rear yd. Res. 76684 4/14/42 NE 1/4 of P.L. 175- (por.) Permit to J.M. Bourus to construct a concrete block masonry 747 Rosecrans St. approx 31 high in fromt of setback line Res. 1503 fence at 4/25/46 SE 1/4 (exc N 50 1 & exc S 100 1) PL 175- Permit DENIED to Fred B & Eliz W Waters to div into 2 bldg sites & const sing fam res on ea, 1 to have no St frontage, but served by 10 1 easement E side Rosecrans, 100 1 N of Rogers. Res No. 5047 10/18/50 Por.-P.L.-T75---Permit-to-Helen-K.-HuTT,-owner-&-Frea-e-&-Eliz-w-waters_&_Chas-E.-&-Barbara__, Hart, pur to div por into 2 par & permit sing fam res on ea, ore par served by 15 1 easement I st par S of 804 Rosecrans Res No. 6130 1/23/52 Por. P.L. 175- Res No. 6130 ABOVE amended to permit excavation of 1,000 cu yd sandstone & loam on W 100' of N 116.5 1, 1st par S of 804 Rosecrans Res. No. 6291 3/19/52---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------