Pueblo Lot 175 N.5 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 175 N.5 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 175 N 1/2 Divide the N 1/2 into 6 parcels for St. Zone R-1 (E of Rosecrans) Card No. 1 e building purposes. l'1ermit to Marie E. Brenner, 3211 BlioU Res. No. 66464 9/7/37---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PL 175, S 50' of NE 1/4 Zone R-1 {E of Rosecrans)- Private Res & Gar, 11 side yd for garage Permit to Marie E. Brenner, 3211 Elliott St. Res. No. 66515 9/14/37 PL 175, N 50' of S 100 1 of NE 1/4- Private Res & Gar 1 1 side yd for gar Permit to Marl.e E. Brenner, 3211 Elliott St. Res. No. 66514 9/14/37 PL 175, SE 1/4 {except N SO' and except S 100 1)- Build 2 houses on parcel approx 80' x 185' Permit to Florence E. Chabot, 3536 Kite St. Res. No. 66721 10/26/37 PL 175, SW 1/4 (Rosecrans, W side 200' N of Rogers) Erect 5 dwellings in R-1, grant easement of 10 1 for widen Rosecrans St each on 6000 sq' of ground, 2 to be served by a private 25' easement, Permit to Walter Trep~ & George H. Stone.------------------------------------------------------------------- Res No. 67470d 4/19/38 Por. P.L. 175- Permit to Maurice & Jacqueline Watson to const approx 754 sq. ft. dining rm bdrm & bath addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 4 1 611 rear yard where 20 1 req; convert exist patio to fam rm; patio now obs 1' sideyd & 0' rearyd wher 4' & 20' are req, at 755 Rosecrans St., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l C-13239 8-22-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------