Pueblo Lot 174 Card 3
PUEBLO LOT 174 CARD 3.tif PUEBLO LOT l 74 Por- Permit to Dr. & Mrs. Cecil Neff to SB on 752 Armada Terr. \\ CARD #3 constr sunroom addition over exist gar witn 9' Res 6430 4-30-52 Por- Permit to Jam.es N. & Lilan Baldry to erect sin fam res on par approx 120' W of 730 Rosecrans st. & excavate approx 3000 cu yd sandstone. Colld'l. Res 6595 7-9-52 For- Permit to Frank E. Naso to constr res on par split after zoning on Ely side of Armada Terr., 100' N of Rogers St. Zone R-1. Res 9280 11-9-55 Por- Permit to Ricnard Madruga to remove por of exist two-story sin fam res and constr liv room, bedroom and battl addn, resulting in 41.~ cov wtlere 401> is perm at 3016 Rogers St., betw San Elijo St and Rosecrans St. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. 88749 6-27-68 Por- Permit to Edward Cramer to erect 50' of solid blk wall ranging in tlt from l' toll'; wall to obs 5' rear yard wtlere max 6 1 high fence perm in 20' rear yard; at 727 Armada Terrace betw Rogers St and Armada Pl. Zone R-1-5. ~L~:C!..~~1--------------------------~::::::_~:~:______________::~::~----------- Por- Permit to Alice Morrow to constr recreation room with bar sink at 737 Armada Terrace. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2014 10-31-74 F(--7- &j7-;j~-.~-~:~;-~;if_~-~:~---~~~~--!~_~i~;Fn~-:i-:-----------------~-----~-----~ ~-~-------~~-