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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 146 Card 2

PUEBLO LOT 146 CARD 2.tif PUEBLO LOT 146 saard/11- Por Lots 65,103,144,145,146 {as snown on map on file in Planning Dept) Cond'l. permit to lose Vollmer, Mrs. Geo W. Wood and Est of Geo W Wood, Owners and Balboa University, purcn to use prop to erect nee bldgs for educational and nousing purposes, and to make nee repair and alterations to exist. bldgs in any amt for educational and nousing Res #4810 7-5-50 ABOVE Amended to cut out 12A site for erect of sin fam res by Rose Vollmer on por of Lots 65,103,144,145 Res #5982 ll-75i Por- Permit to Balboa Univ to move in chapel bldg to be used in connection witn Univ. witn 30' rear yard from Ely lot line at 3902 Lomaland Dr. RE #6539 6-11-52 Por- Permit to Calif Western Univ to move in 3 bldgs on E side Pepper Tree Lane betw Dupont & Lomaland Dr. R-1. Cond'l. Res #9237 10-14-55 Amended by Res #9294 (11-9-55) Por- Permit to S.D. co. Council of Cnurcnes to use bldg tor cnurcn offices and erect cross on top of Bldg at 3901 Lomaland Dr. R-1. c-787 10-1-56 Por. Lots 65, 146, 145, 193- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to POINT LOMA NAZARENE COLLEGE to construct a Coastal Development located at 3900 Lomaland Drive; Parcels 1, 3 & 4, PM 1889, Rl-5000 Zone. CDP #89-0155 12-21-89