Pueblo Lot 142 Card 2
PUEBLO LOT 142 CARD 2.tif.,,,,... ~, PUEBLO LOT 142 Par Condi permlt to Mary H. Gross owner & Cecil W. Drake pur to split into 2 par Nly end of Silver Gate 01/ Res. No. 59',I 10/18/50 Por- Permit to Roscoe S. & Nana M. Porter to make addns & alter, to exist res on parcel spjl,it out after zoing 3577 Silvergate Place. Res. No 5823 8-22-51 Par. Permit to WM T, & Gwendolyn Stephens to construct sin famres & attach. garage 1 the gar tc obs 6 1 side yd (10' req) 3' 9" from eaves to prop. line 3569 Silvergate Pl. Zone R-lC Case 2234 1-9-59 Pors- Permit to Carl J & Sonia M Ackerman (Par A) owners & Don J. & Irene A. Vaughn (ParB) lessees to adjust lot I ines beiw Parcles A & B per plat map~ legal descriptions of file parcels were initially divided by authority of Var Res. No 1254 & have been subsequently redivided where sing fam res on min lot of record 10,000 sq ft at time of orig zoing is perm Parcel A- Uacant Lot Silvergate Pl; Par B- 455 Silvergate St. R-IC Zone condl.---+ Case 6289 1-30-64 Por- Permit to A.B. & Jessie W. Polinsky to const bedroom addn to front of exist dwell addn to obs 12' SB where the average SB of the block 25' is reql exist dwell obs req 6 1 side yard but eaves proj to obs approx 41 eaves to p.l.. where minimum 4 1-6 11 is perm at 3555 Silvergate Place Ely of Silvergate Ave. Zone R-1-10 condl. Case No. 6430 4-3-64