Pueblo Lot 142 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 142 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 142 ~ Card #1 To divide the N 80 1 of the S 1401 of the E 335 1 of P,L. 142 into 2 parcles for an additional building site fronting on Tavarta Pl, the portion on Siver1ate Pl 175 deep and po,tion on Tavara Pl J40'deep. This is granted provided proposed construction is in complaance with plans submitted to City Planning Commission. (Ord. 32, NS) Res. 75338 10/14/41 Permit to Maurice & Hazel Boyer Braun 61 Silvergate Place. Por. of P.L. 142- Permit to R.C. Gross to make and addtt~~n to an existing dwelling 77 Silvergate Place with 3 ft. sideyard Res. No. 754 10/9/44 Nly 83 1 of Wly 270' of s- Permit to Helen Fuller to divide into two bldg. sites ~ 83' x 150'; and the other 83 1 x 120'; to permit a single family dwelling on each parcel & the latter parvel having only 30 ft street frontage on Silvergate Place, 465 Silvergate Ave. Res. 1254 12/20/45 Por. of P.L. 142- Permit to R.C. & Alica F. Gross to divide prop. into 2 bldg sits to permit one single fam res. parcel conditional Res. 1774 9-26-46 Por. of PL 142- Permit to Cecil W. Drake to divide a por of lot into 2 parcels one 85' by 180 1 facing Silvergate Pl., and the other 85 1 x 140 1 facing Tavara Place and permit a single family res. on each providing there is 50 ft between any dwellings constructed on the 2 parcels Res. No. 3035 4/7/48 Lot 142-- FENCE VARIANCE sought by MR. & MRS. DOUG BUTZ was APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS by ZA to erect a block wall obs. a 1' front yard where a 20' front yard is required. C-19213 February 12, 1987