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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1347 Card #1

PUEBLO LOT 1347 CARD #1.tif PUEBLO LOT 134 7 an unsubdivided portionl Build a ~arage,out to Blvd,at approx where 37th St would come through Granted to Edward V. Shorlock J\() front line of if opened. Res. 50969 earl# I Lemon Grove- < 7/29/29 Por. P.L.1347 (description on file in Plann.Dept. Office) Permit to o.P.Jones to split to two bl4g.altee,each with ~o frontage on Broaclwa,- & to permit two single tamil7 reei- dencee or one duplex on each parcel, Broadway 1001 west ot J8th Street Bea. Ho. 211'9 '4h~7 Por- Permit to Orson P. Jones, Sr. to const 2 liv unite on par split out after zoning, Fed- eral Blvd. approz 10001 SWly of B St. Res. No. 5825 9-5=51---------------------------------------------- Pe- Permit to Mildred o. Crews to conet l sing fam res, SEI.7 aide Federal Blvd., betw 36th &:,Sth Sts. Res. no. 5s26 9-5-51--------------------------------------------- Por- Pemit to Mildred O Crews to erect sing tam res, making 2 units on por of R-2 lot, 3695 Fe4eral. Blvd. Rea. Bo. 6819 9-17-52----------------------------------------------Por-Permit to Roy Stanley Johnson, Jr. to oonst sing ram res on parcel w1 tho, full st frontage em dedicated street, split p:tor to 12-5-54, 3784 Broadway, (Wly end) R-2. CASE #4093 5-19-61-----------.--------------------------