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Pueblo Lot 1313 Partition Of P.L. 1312 Card N0.1

PUEBLO LOT 1313 PARTITION OF P.L. 1312 CARD N0.1.tif 'pt_j~O LOT 1.31.3, Partition or~'1c-1tsO PUEBLO LOT 1312).., JeCard No 1 Lots A to F, inclusive, permit to William H. and Ruth F._13lack to construct a polo field 1/2 mile track, and operate general commercial training stable, lying oetwee~ Camp Callen on the Ji:ast, Ocean on the West and Glider Field on the North all to be in connection with a residence to be built thereton. ' Res. No. 3537 11/10/48 Lots G-I- Permit to Wm. H. Black to build bunk house & stable for horse- breeding farm, PL 1312- and all of PL 1313- La Jolla Shores Dr. nr Highway 101. Res. No. 4141 9-7-49 I Por Lot A- Cond permit to H L & Hope W Pratt to div & const sing fam res, 1 plus caretaker's apt with kitchen, easement of record to be mutually agreed upon between seller, W. H. Black & pur, parcel approx 1,800 ft. W of West Rd, Camp Callan. Res. No. 4405 1-25-50 Por- Permit to Wm H Black to build barn and stable for horse breeding, La Jolla Shores Dr.near U.S. Highway 101.. Res. No. 4661.. 5-)-50 Por P.I,. 1312 and 1:,1:,. Permit to Wm H. Black to erect 12 feed shelters & 2 emplo;yees bungalows, incidental to exist. horse breeding fa.rm, & 1 2-oar garage. 610 West Blvd Res No. 4988 9-20-50 S.E. cor P.L. 1313- Permit to Wm H Black to const servants quarters on lot E in addn to exist omier 1 s res, N of La. Jolla Shores Dr. Res. No. 6o4o 11-28-51---------------------------------------------- Por P,L.- Permit to Ali'red & Laura. Loveland to split out par with no fr on st & erect sing fam res, 300 1 S of Pratt prop, La Jolla. Farms Res. No. 6115 1-23-52--------------------------------------------