Pueblo Lot 1297 Card #5
PUEBLO LOT 1297 CARD #5.tif PUEBLO LOT 1297 CARD #5 Por. Permit to John w. & Velma ~roll to construct sin fam dwelling on parcel split out prior to 12-5-54, at 2325 Camino del Collado1.. R-1 zone on condt Certificate of Survey be filed with Flan. Off Case #2433 4-10-59-------------------------------------------- Por.- Prestwick Estates, Inc DENIED to construct 12-inch bronze letter sign on wall at ent~ to subdiv. & construct walls & fences as entry gate to proposed new subdiv. walls max. 5' high with 2 lanterns in SB area at Calle del Oro, E of Calle del Cielo, R lB. Case 2874 & Case 2875 10-16-59-------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Harmon B. & Valerie Craig to edd living rm & rerq.odel ba.thrm o:f sing fam rew on parcel solit prior to 12-5-54, 8553 La Jolla Shores Dr. N of Camino del Collado, R-1,cond: Cert. o:f Survey be filed in Zon Div.(f'iled 4-10-61) Cases 3957 & Case 3968 3-31-61 AWIEN.J to add liv rm & remodel bathrm o:f sin:fam res which obs 18 1 reer yd. (25 1 req) addn to obs all yd req. Case 3968 4-20-61-------------------------------------- Por P.L. 1297 & 1296, Elementary School SE Dr. R-lC C.U.P. Permit to S.D. Unified School Dist to const Torrey Pines side Torrey Pines Rd betw Prestwick Dr & La Jolla Scenic CASE #4561 11-24-61 Por- Pennit to E. L. & Nancy w. Anderson to maintain & complete const. of 5'-811x7'-211 pool heating and filter room observing 15'-8" rear yard with 7' x 8' open roof Slt-pported by two posts obs 11' rear yd.(but DENIED 8' rear yd.) attached to rear of utility rm.(sed res, 4461) at 8366 Calle del Cielo Zone R-1B. CASE 4587 12-19-61