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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1296 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 1296 CARD 1.tif PlJEBLO LO'l' 1296 Card # I (Por E 1/2) Permit to Dewe7 11. & Grace Florence Spencer to eonstruct add. to exist. bldg & change to a res. Bes.1769 9-26-46 t. 0 lei 0 and single family res. on said parcel, which does not have street frontage, but is served by an undedicated road, Hi hwa 101 and Torre Pines Road. conditional. Res. 3427 orth 170 ft. of West 173 ft. of the SE 1/4 of PL 1296- Permit to Dewey V. and Grace F. Spencer, owners, G.C. Ewing and Jess A. McMillen, purchasers, to construct and operate a commercial horse training stable, max. of 20 horses, South of City Dumps, on undedicated ext. of Ardath Road. Res 4$- 11 17 4$ a ove o nc u ea parce in size, subject to 15 ft. easement for Res. No. 64 12 29 48 w 450 1 of N 250' of E- Permit to Theo R & Edith A Folsom to const sing fam res, par having no st fr, easement to be granted, S of City Farms, bet Torrey Pines Rd & Hwy 101, Res. No. 7744 9-16-53--------------- For.Wm. H.:Black, owner, & Edmund Mirandon, p11rch. mmIED:permission to construct sin fa.m res. on Ridge We::, Lane, Zoae R-1. Res. 7967 12-23-53.----------------------------------------------- Por_ Permit to Don H. & Marie Waller to oper riding ring & polo arena on Ardath Road, on, cond'n that 20' easement be granted to City Res. No. 8305 6-23-5~ ~