Pueblo Lot 1291 Card 2
PUEBLO LOT 1291 CARD 2.tif PUEBLO LOT 1291 CARD #2 Portion Lot 1291- Permit is granted to COMMUNITY RESOURCES CORP. to construct a Planned Residential Dev. located on the west side of Gilman Dr., Nly. of 1-5, in the SF/Tract H Zone of the La Jolla Shores Planned District. PRO #83-0548 11/14/83 Par lot 1291- Coastal Development Permit is GRANTED by the Planning Director of the City of S.D. to LEE CLARK, individual, Owner/Permittee, to remodel an existing single-family residence located at 8542 El Paseo Grande, described as that portion of Pueblo lots 1297, 1291 of the Pueblo Lands of San Diego, State of California per recorded Map MM 0036, in the LJS-SF Zone. CDP/SCRP No. 89-0478, 8/30/89. I I