Pueblo Lot 1291 Card # 1
PUEBLO LOT 1291 CARD # 1.tif / PUEBLO LOT 1291,: CARD #I For- Permit to W,K. & Annie Todd to split out por & erect sin fam res on Pacific Hwy, mile north of R.R. turnoff, W side, condl Res. 6659 7-23-52 Por- Permit to Gail w. Rimbach to div por into 3 bldg sites on Pacific Hwy, W side, condl Res. 6660 7-23-52 Por 1291 & 1292- Permit to University City, Inc. to use parcel as construction yd & lumber storage for 2 yrs for tract home const, approx 1200' E of Pacific Hwy beside AT & Santa Fe RR tracks, R-1 zone, to expire 5-13-62. C-3338 5-6-60 Ext:imx5-24-62 for 2 yrs to exp 5-13-64 For- SANVIL, LTD. & VIL.JO CORP (General Partners) applied for a variance to erect & maint for a period of l yr, one sin faced,unlighted, free-standing sign; face of sign to be 12' x 44', overall ht to be 18 1, where a sign not more than 4' above gi,ound and not more than 8 sq ft offering the premises for sale or lease only is permitted, due north of Interstate 5 and east of Gilman Dr. per legal on file in the Zoning Div. of the Planning Dept. the request was TABLED. C-9172 NH 3-13-69 Portion- Permit GRANTED to THE DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a California Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a planned residential development located south of La Jolla Village Drive, between Interstate 5 and Regents Road, in the proposed R-2, R-2A and R-3 (portion HR) zones. PRD #20-202-0 2-6-81 EXTENSION OF TIME #I- 1-10-83