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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1290 Card #5

PUEBLO LOT 1290 CARD #5.tif PUEBLO LOT 1290 Por.- Permit to James L. and Patricia E. Custer to legalize vacant pa.reel or land created prior to 1954 but without one. dedicated street, on!,a Jolla. Viste. Drive, SE of dead-end of Le. Jolla. Viste. Drive, Zone R-1-40. / C-12,554 5-2-74 Por.- Permit to Mr. J.w. Drown to construct a sin fam residence and garage on e. pa.reel split out after zoning but prior to December 5, 1954, not having frontage one. dedicated street but served by an easement to Ardath Road, in the R-l Zone- Cond 11. C-954 l-15-57 Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 9611- AGREEMENT with Juanita M. Duback to construct an upper level guest quarters above a two-car, basement garage; said guest quarters to contain bedroom/ sitting area, 3/4 bath and closet having exterior accesR only to driveway area, NOTE~ LJSPD nermitQ one guest quarters per premises hy right, located at 8068 La Jolla Scenic Drtve North, SF-L Jolla Shores Planned District Zone. AGRERMENT #5042 7-1-91--- -----------------------------------------------