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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1290 & 1289 Card N0. 1

PUEBLO LOT 1290 & 1289 CARD N0. 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 1290 & 1289 ~ S\9ard No. 1 Cond'l permit to Willis M. Allen to divide & ccihstruct Servant's Q;u.arters including a kitchen on the N 175 1 of the W 4oo 16f P.n. 1290: to construct a single family residence on the S 257 1 of the N 4321 of the W 4oo 1 of P.L.1290: and the N 175 1 of the E 633 1 of P.L.1289 to be used as access to bo~ the other parcels. Res. No. 981 6/30/45 Permit to Marvin Willis & Du.Ileen Nicol to divide a por~(60 acres),Ardath Road 1l miles So. cf City DUll!p & to erect stable before the residence ie erected,eubject to conditions. ~s. No. 2152 4/10/q7::;ly 250 It. of' Northerly 6S4.44 f!,. of PL 1290- Permit to George Hugh.&Janning to const. a single f am. res. on said parcel, no street frontage, lying between Pacific Highway and Torrey Pines lioad, subject to 80 ft. ease- ment along general alignmeut of exist. dirt road through said property. v Res. No. 3557,.11/17 48 Por. of PL 1290~- Permit to Frank Turnbull to split out a parcel an const. thereon a single fam. res., riost; frontage, but served by private 30-ft. easement, between Pacific Highway and Torrey Pines Road. See Res. for the easement required for st. ur osss. Res. 3586,12 1/48 P~r PL 1290- Condl. permit to George Hugh Banning to split out & const. sing. ram. res. with no st. frontage, bet. Pac. Hwy & Torrey Pines Rd. on Ardath Rd. Ext Res. No. 4081 8-10- Por PL 1 0- to Res., 4-5 set ac, to ra Res. No. 4084' Res. No. 4109 l