Pueblo Lot 1288 Card 10
PUEBLO LOT 1288 CARD 10.tif PUEBLO LOT 1288 I Card #10 1. Por- Permit to Helen W. Ross & Kenneth B. Little to legalize Parcel 1 as a building stlef vehicular ingress and egreas to parcel by way of a record~d 201 easement onParcel 2. ~~~9-~~~:~~-~~:~:--~~~=-~~:--~=~~==~:__::~==~~:_q~!.t~\tt:r~2___ ~/1.B_l!~-~-------:.__ Portion of Lot 1288- AGREEMENT to ELSA ~TIMAN AND MARC LANTZMAN AND JOHN HENSLER to maintain double sink in guest house, '.located at 2472 Hidden Valley ~cad, Zone LJSPD/AREA S.F. AGREEMENT #3344 7-31-85 Lot 1288, temporary canst yard pmt, approved wlth conditions by SCA, MIKE M~TROVICH requ@sts at the SE corner of ~rdath Road & Hidden Valley Road, Coas tal Zone, RF C-21235 12-1-94-----------------------------------------------------------------------------