Pueblo Lot 1288
PUEBLO LOT 1288.tif 'FUEBLO LOT 12~_ ~s Card No. ~ Por. of.- Pfrmit to Lynn G. and Ru.th A. Fayme.n, to divide said two-acre parcel into ~our bldg. sites, 2 acre each, and permit a sing fa.m res on each, located a.t the S side of.. Ardath Rd, 1000 ft. SE of Hidden Valley Rd. Res #5133 11-15::50 Por. of- Permit to Polly Hay to cone' sing fam res on each of 2 parcels, one parcel having front. on Ardath Rd & cont. approx acre, the second having 2~.25 1 front on Ardath Rd & cont. approx la.ere, on Sly side of Ardath, approx 1000 1 E of Hidden Valley Rd. Res. 5163 11-29..:-50 Port of- Permit to Oharles Fanell, oWDer, & W.L. Canning, pu:reh. to cl.iv lot...,1n-t'--'0"""'2~1--ae_re__ parcels & bld sing fem res on each on Ely side of Hidden Valley Rel.., approx 6oo 1 Sly of Ardath Rd...- Res 5269 1/2'4-/51 /ort of- Permit to Ward Wilson Woods a.nd Patricia Fay Woods to div into 4 bld sites, & bld ~ sin fa.m res on ea Cond11. O?l Hidden Valle Road. Res. 2- 2 21 1 Po eI'lltli ~o.Cit;p,e:f' ~a.ti Diego to mOf& ~roMt frame I asldefft:!e ~to reloedl, on he same lot I located approL.-2.-5-W-:Ardath Road, conditional. HM 1069 3/13/'51 J For of = Permit DENIED to Charles & Virginia.Raffel to div into 3 par with rlght tq erect eing fem res on ea, Ely & NJ.y sid,e Hidden Valley Rd. Ree. No. 5gg7 9-19-51----------------------------------__,._-------- Pem:!.t ""e Charles & Vir.~nia Farrel (ABOVE) DENIAL wae so.stained. by C.O. #1Q3913, 10-4-51 Por o'f P.L . 1288 & unnumbered triangle SW- Permit to George Clarke Rose to bld sing fam res- on 1 A split out, facing on Hidden Valley Road Res. Ho. ~101 1-23-52-P;r-_-p;~it to-~-; Smith~ to-div-p;r-i;t; 'j iii,tsit;s-; i'-;ai iot fr-o~ st-but---- served by 12 t easement, Hidden VaJ.le1" Rd. Res. No. 61~ l-23-52 Por- Permit to Walter Melander, owner & W L. Canning, pur to erect res on por split out on Hidden Valley Rd., appro 1200 1 S of Ardath Rd & Torrer Pine June, Res.6274, 3-5-52