Pueblo Lot 1280 Card 6
PUEBLO LOT 1280 CARD 6.tif 1 CARD 1,6' I Par of P.L. 1280, 1286 & 1289- Cond'l permit to Allan H. Witwer, Mgr. of Rancho del CharJro lnc. to maint an exist revised & rebuilt 5'611 x 81 double-faced neon sign, suspended betw 2 posts, overal 1 ht approx 12', 2200 Torrey Pines Rd., on cond that 5' x 10" panel on top reading "Cock ta i 1 s- Dining" be removed. Res.#8214 5-26-54 Par 1280, 1286 & 1289- Allan H. Witwer, Reho del Charro- to amend Res.#8214 ABOVE & permit neon sign, "Jacaranda Room" on top of exist sign. Res.#8574- 10-27-54 Par- Permit to Frank R. Schwarzkopf to canst res on par split after zoning, served by recorded 20' ease. from Paseo Dorado, Zone R-lB. Case#663 8-13-56 Pot of P.L. 1280 & 1289- Permit to James Marechal (David M. Sapp, Agent) to canst 30 unit 3 story apt bldg on Torrey Pines Rd., W. of Reho La Jolla, Zone R-4; proposed bldg to obs an 8 1 doorway to an inner ct where 12' access ct free & clear to sky is req; & to permit 3' high grapestake fence in SB area on top of retaining wall a max of 4 1 high, where 2 1 611 is perm. Case#1551 12-6-57 Par- Permit to George E. & Shirley B. Zukovich to canst sin fam res on lot split aft orig zon but prior 12-5-54, at N. side of Paseo Dorado W. of Calle del Ciel a, R-lB, cond'l. Case#2713 8-14-59 Par P.L. 1280 & 1289- Permit to James K. & Evelyn F. Marechal, own & Royal La Jollan Motel lessee to erect 1 interior illuminated dBi-faced 5' x 81 plastic sign obs O' SB (15' req} & 1 db 1-faced 911 x 5' neon 1 i ted meta 1 s i g_n;.both constant l i tei mount(;)d on 4d columns of4 4 11 pipe to max ht 11' above grade to top or sign, 0' SB on 2402 1orrey Pines R., Zone R-. Cases#3017 & 3018 12-31-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------