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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1273 Card #2

PUEBLO LOT 1273 CARD #2.tif / PUEBLO LOT 1273 Card ##2 Por ., per legal on file- Permit to Panorama Corp., owner, & American Housing Guild, San Diego, lessee, to erect & maintain for a period of 1 yr, one 81 x 81 double-faced, unlighted directional sign for 0 Homes", a new sub located approx two blics to the south where 8 sq. ft. for sale or lease sign is per.m, pi 4200 blic Governor Dr ., NW cor Cozzens St. ExtJ & Governor Dr ., Zone R-1-5., Cond11. Case No. 8378 N.H. Ext. to exp 4-1-69 {9-13-68) (4-7-69 No Ext- Sign Removed)________,_____..________________________