Pueblo Lot 1122 - Resub Of Block 435
PUEBLO LOT 1122- RESUB OF BLOCK 435.tif PUEBLO LOT 1122- BESUB OE BLOCK 435!&1 (Zone restraining order)- That, pending hearing of Zoning, the Building Insp. is directed NOT to issue permits in Blk 435 contrary to provisions of Zone t'li". Res. #51238 8-19-29 Lots 13-18- Permit to Walter M, McKellar to rediv lots into 2 par, ea 50' x 150' and erect sin fam res on ea, ave SB on Walnut, on Walnut and Hawl. Res. #($743 9-16-53 E 50 1 of Lots 13-18- Permit to W. M. McKellar, owner and Robert Wallihan, pur to constr sin fam res with O' SB on Hawk St and av SB on Walnut, NW cor Walnut & Hawk. Res. #7800 10-14-53--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E 50 1 Lots 13-18- 6 mo ext to Res. 1f7800 ABOVE to Robert Walli~an, to constr sin fam res with O' SB on Hawk and ave SB on Walnut. Res. #8057-A 3-3-54 E 50 of Lots 13-18- Final ext to Robert Wallihan and Gerald R, Bradbury, purch to constr sin fam res with O' BB on Hawk and av. SB on Walnut, Res, #8545 10-13-54---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------