Pueblo Lot 104 22
PUEBLO LOT 104 22.tif PUEBLO LOT 104 Por- Permit to Clyde & Toni Munsell to constr a detached art shop addn with part sink on same lot with exist sin fam dwell at 430 Silvergate Ave. Zone R-1-20. AGREE{tl854 5-21-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------~, Por. P.L. 104- Permit to Clyde and Tone Munsell to cnnstruct a detached gar and artist's studio addn to existing sin fam dwell; gar to obs an 8 ft. rear yard where 25 ft is req, at 430 Silvergate Ave., Southwest cor Rose- croft Lane and Silvergate Ave., Zone R-1-20- Cond'l. C-12,028 6-21-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Por.- Permit to Robert L. & Dorothy M. Shapiro to constr dining-room, kitchen, bedroom & bath addn to exist sin am dwell; addn to obs 21' front yd where 25' is req & 5' interior side yd where 8' is req at 3651 Rosecroft Ln, betwn Catalina Blvd. & Silvergate Ave., Zone R-1-20. C-9410 N.H. 7-28-69 AMENDED 12-16-69--------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Par. of N\ of P.L. 104- Permit to David L. and Marilyn L. Williams to construct sin am. dwelling on lot with no street frontage but served by a 22 ft. private easement where 80 ft. of street frontage is req and access to required parking must be from same lot, at 414 Silvergate Avenue betwn Rosecroft Lane and Cedarbrae Lane, Zone R-l-20. c-12,564 5-14-74