Nutt's Addition Block 2 Card 2
NUTT'S ADDITION BLOCK 2 CARD 2.tif 3o Card # 2 NUTT' S ADD I Tl ON BLOCK 2 Lot 2 & N Lot JO- Pennit to Albert F. Tuxbury to remove exist front porch & erect new 1 iving rm addn to front of exist 4 family apt, w/SB of 12'9". Res. 6261 3-5-52 Lot 9 & N of Lot 10 Permit to Albert F. Tuxbury to add addn to exist bldg; addn to have 3' side yd; 3829 Third Ave. Res. 6262 3-2-52 Lots 24 & 25- Agreement #697 to R. E. Chenhall to move in store bldg w/apts above & make addn to store bldg, w/store por of bldg to obs 0' SB. 12-9-50 Lots 14 thru 16- H.R. and Jean C. Davis to erect 58' of 6 1 high wall, por to observe 9' front yd where max 3' high wall is permitted in req 15' front yd, at 320 Robinson Ave. on E 60' of Lots 14-16, Zone R-3A. C-13878 9-17-76 Lots 5 & 6- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Melvin and Carolyn Lawson, owners; and Drs. Barta Straumjford, Schultz & Kreusser, A Partnership, Purchasers to use property as a parking lot for an adjacent medical building, at 3845 Third Avenue, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-16799 6-30-80