North Shore Highlands Block 22 Card 2
NORTH SHORE HIGHLANDS BLOCK 22 CARD2.tif NORTH SHOR~ HIGHLANDS BLOCK 22 It(Lot 5- ZA has APPROVED amended request of NANCY obserse a 5 1 front yard where 15' is required at ct.P.rf"i:#2 V. UNGER, to construct a 3-story, SFD to 1561 Loring St., Zone R-1-5. C-18414 5/11/84 Lot 5 (Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 13399) Map 1969- AGREEMENT with William and Karen Bixler to construct a lower level addition to an existing single-family residence; said addition consists of a hallway, half bathroom, and recreation room with exterior access to lower deck area, at 1561 Loring Street. Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# A-4981 5-7-91 Lot 13- AGREEMENT with Foothill Property to install a full bath, closet, and laundry room in an existing family room with interior access from the kitchen and exterior access located at 4975 Foothill Boulevard. Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #A-5545 3-9-93 Lot 12, CUP was approved by H.O., JEFF & JENNIFER TANDY, OWNER/PERMITTEE sought to construct a 353 sq. ft., detached study with a three-fourth bath and an attached 256 sq. ft. exterior wood deck described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type, and location on the approved exhibits "A", at 4969 Foothill Boulevard, Rl-5000 Zone, 99-0388 7-21-99----------------------------------------------------------------------------