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Development Services

North Knolls

NORTH KNOLLS.tif NORTH KNOLLS Lot 29, Lot 121, Homesites #3 & use 2 res as model homes, & use one on Lot 174 & one on Lot 29, St., for 6 months. Lot 176, Homesites #5- Permit to Z. Charles Kiss to gar on Lot 176 as sales off, with 2 directional signs, North Knolls & 4 1 x 8 1 sign on Lot 121, 6284-92 Potoma& C-1527 11-22-57 Lot 9- Permit to Thomas E. & Lois A. Tirrell to maint & complete sin fam res with eaves obs 1' distance from p.1. on SW & SE cor of bldg where min of 3'9" distance is req at 2111 Vainer Ct betw Potomac St & Alleghany St., Zone R-1. C-5894 8-21-63