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Development Services

North Highland Park Card 1

NORTH HIGHLAND PARK CARD 1.tif NORTH HIGHLAND PARK lb1y ~ ~ Card No. l Lots ll- 20 & 37- 56 (Proposed Lots l & 2, Mobile Homes Acceptance Sub.)- The Z.A. consid- ered the request of Westgate Calif. Realty Co., owner Lot l, and Mobile home Acceptance Corp., owner Lot 2, and Lucky Stores, Inc., purch Lot 1, and Lucky Stores, Inc., lessee Lot 2, const ret.ail grocery store on Lot 2 with parking at a ratio of 1.6 to l where 3 to l parking is req; additional parking to be furnished on Lot l Immed adj resulting in final parking ratio of e.O to l. Building to obs 0 1 SB form Bramson Pl.; to furnish landscaping on public prop and planters as shown on plans; to erect free-standing, 60 1 high ID sign with edge of sign obs 0 1 SB on Bramson Pl., 0 1 SB on 33rd St., El Cajon Blvd. & freeway frontage road where a 10 1 landscape strip clear to the sky is req around the perimeter of the prop, and to erect approx 285 1 of 51 high solid block wall along Bramson Pl., as shown on plans, where a 3' high fence is perm, m the 3200 Block of El Cajon Blvd., SW cor of 33rd St. & El Cajon Blvd.; and has in part DENIED ana in part APPROVED the request as follows: (a) RATIO OF PARKING: The request to const retail grocerysstore on Lot 2 with parking at a ratio of 1.6:l (where J:l is req) but with additional parking to be furnished on Lot 1 immed adj, resulting in final park- ing ratio of J:l. APPROVED; (b) BUILDING SETBACK: The request for building to obs 0 1 SB form Bramson Pl. DENIED 0 1 SB but APPROVED 6 1 SB; (c) BLOCK WALL SETBACK: The request to&~ erect approx 285 1 of 5' high solid block wall slong Bramson Pl. where 3' high fence is perm. APPRO\TED 51 high wall (except that for a linear distance of approx 48 1 adj to the receiving sl slab, the wall shall be 6 1 above the receiving slab) with 6 1 SB but DENIED 3 1 SB; (d) SIGN: The request to erect free-standing, 60 1 high ID sign with edge of sign obs 0 1 SB and encro 5 1 over public prop on El Cajon Blvd. APPROVED subject to the installation of landscaping, per plans to be submitted; (e) LANDSCAPING: The request: (1) On Bramson Pl: DEt'U~D 3 1 wide landscaping strip but~FftlE)VED 6 1 strip; this will provide a 12 1 landscaping strip (6 1 on public prop & 6 on private prop) except on the banjo dead-end of Bramson Pl. where the landscaping will be 6 1 wide on private prop plus any area lying betw public walk and prop line. See Card No. 2