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Development Services

North Highland Park Block 1 Card 3

NORTH HIGHLAND PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 3.tif NORTH BmllLAND PARK BLOCK 1 l lots 39 thru 45 & por. 46- Permit to Conkling's Bakery on Resi/6714 be amended as to hedge. Res#6839 9-17-52 Por. lots 64,65 & 66- Permit to S.D. Glass & Paint Co., purchaser & Geo. Iverson, et al, to use as parking lot, 3214 Bramson Pl., Cond'l 10-15-52 lots 64,65, & 66- Permit to S.D. Glass & Paint Co., purchaser, by Henry Siner, & Geo Harry & Thomas Iverson, Esther Schmidt, Peark Winder & Christine Rose, owners, to use por of these lots for parking lot in connec with bus & driveway to be from Bramson Pl., as well as the alley, 3214 Bramson Place, Resf/6979 11-12-52 w! lot 46 & all lots 47 thru 55- Permit DENIED to Harry Epsten, owner & Bob Bauer t,titors, lessee, to erect a gatage, but exist gar may be used forservising cars & reminder to be used for parking lot Cond 11 Bramson Place Res#7295 4-1-53 W Lots 46 & all Lots 47 thru 55 Res#7295 ABOVE AMENDED for Harry Epsten, owner & Bob Bauer M:> tors, to permit relocation of exist gar & to const 30 1 x60 1 addn to it, Cond'l Resfr340 4-J.5-53