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North Clairemont Plaza Card4

NORTH CLAIREMONT PLAZA CARD4.tif T IOR'1'11 CLAlRBll)Jft' PLAZA Lot 2- Claaeitication ot Uee- trampoline center in tbe C-lA Zone tor c.o. Cony Re #159671 3-29-60.,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 3- Clueitication ot uee-Standley B. Wincote tor a bueball batting range Rea #174-515 2-14-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 3- Cluaitication ot uae Kennetn E. Darling in tbe C-1.A zone Rea #194134 7-9-68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l- Requeat TABLED tor Connecticut Mutual Lite IDB. Co., owner &Gd Socoo;y Mobil Oil Co., to coDStr C8lll0py cover over ertetiag pump ialande on botb Clairemont Meaa Blvd and Clairemont Dr., canopy to obe O' SB where 10' ia eatab and a 10' landecape etrip clear to eky ia req, at 3802 Claireaont Mesa Blvd. at D cor ot Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Clairemont Dr. Zone RC-lA. c-8219 1-14-67--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- ~rmit to Connecticut Mutual Lite Ina. Co. and Jotln B. Cbaae to coutr and operate a veterinary clinic locatN betw Clairemont Mesa Blvd aa4 Clairaont Dr. CA~- 296-PC 6-28-71 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 3- hrmit DDIED to Connecticut Mutual Lite Ina. Co and u-save-Aut-atic Corp to coaatr and operate a aelt-aervice automotive fuel center located on tne SI side ot Clairemont Dr betw Lakehurst Ave &Gd Claireaont Meea Blvd. Zone CA 323-PC 11-10-n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------