North Clairemont Plaza Card2
NORTH CLAIREMONT PLAZA CARD2.tif Nortg.J,_lairemont Plaza__-----------~------'-',lca~rdu.-.#Z-#- Lot 1-_zoning'lltol'.!c.cona.idered t.na_applicat.u).n_-0.f__-North.Clai-emo-~--- Shopping Center, owner; Mobil Oil Co., lessee, to const 2 bay addn with 2-lube-not-rts-~to-extst""-servtcres~a-tio-r1 ma1:tTng a:totar c,_r-:5"oays--&-1:rruoe no-istsacto-___ e.xterui one exist pwnp island & add tVO- pum;:,s, making a total of 1.0 pwnp& en 4-~ exist islands, & to remove exist Sr x 12, sign & install new 8r.x 20 "I.D."---s-i-gns tn same location, obs or SB. Exist pump pads oo~s 0 1 sETrm tioth sts-.:-- r.e.q &. 12' SI3 to pump i.aJ.and. where 22 is req.,- & there 1-s no landscaping in frnt 10 1 of lot. Station permitted by Res. No. 8120, at 3802--c1s:1remont Mesa. Blvd; NE c:or Cia.iremont or.,-RC-lA Zone;..;APPHOVED "THE RIEST __ except. the 8 X.201 sign.was.DENIED.&. an 8 1.x 12 1 revolving s.ign-wa.a.D=vit) ~---~-::ri?:' ~- lfo_~~ 4 ~-~-/o-lJ-c:i.Z::1-~~~A)__ cas~!+756____)_-_7-_________ --io""t-1-:-Pe;;tJ"~-s;;---~i-011-c~.--~~:-1;;;.~-&-c~;~ti.~~t-~t.;;1-Lir;-;iii-;.:-c";_------------------------- -- - ----OP......-----,_________,--------.. -.....--.-........._,____--- owner to 1nta1n three floodlighted pylon price signs totaling 108 sq. tt.; one sign---at-t.-to--eaeh--sicle o.f poet supporting exi1sting- e x 121-revol-rlng a-ign- permitted by Z-ene- Var-- C-47i~J_ Prl~!! sigr_is al.J. ~~* of ~eq plant:i_n_g ~tri~_&t__l01 es:t,li,b SB., at)~Qg C~~El~nt... Kesa B1-.-d., NE cor Cl&iremont Dr. & Cl.airemont Mesa Blvd., Zone RC-ll, condl. ease No.-685& 12-18-61. -------tot~-:-=-1DW.-"'."'io1ttrnii-:-tie1iht;--inc:-;owner, ,-siie1r m~;1?eiiee~-:-ror-ilti"".ifei"".:-:::-----.rotating sign pole encr, lut..APPROUD its location witb_cen~,r::U,g,~of_~i~ at ~___ of'-~h_~_:f:::i:! ~: &':ro8!: ~ !:.~0s:= z:~~t~M!a:~~Z':n~I~=~:t::~--"1-00--Blkf,Clair.-ont Miia. Blvd,SOOt-- Can- Nos.-1~f,, '1583--- 3-/3/.ft&- Cendl,, So. of-C airemont Dr, Lot 3, No.----Clail'ement Plasa, Zone-C-lA-------