North City West Neighborhood 3 Unit#11 Card 1
NORTH CITY WEST NEIGHBORHOOD 3 UNIT#11 CARD 1.tif NORTH CITY WEST NEIGHBORHOOD /13, UNIT /111 ~ cARDl i, i Portion of Parcel C & D, Map No. 11492,.PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to maintain two community identification signs at the entrance to the Del Mar Highlands co11DDUnity (NW corner Del Mar Heights Road and El Camino Real), Zoned N.C.W.P.D. /Area M.F.I. APPROVED with conditions C-19324 9/12/86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3 & 7-SCA has APPROVED the request of HOMEOWNER's ASSOCIATION UNIT 4 (lot 3) PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMP (LOT7) to erect two 76 sq ft community area identification signs advertising "EAST BLUFF-DEL MAR HIGHLANDS" on 6 ft high existing block walls located at the southeast and southwest corners of long run drive and Kinsella Point, at 3691 Long Run Dr (lot 3) and 3703 Long Run Dr (lot 7), Map 11492, MFl zone, North City West Planned Dist C-19924 4/29/88