Normal Heights Villa Lot 141
NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 141.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 141 E- Permit to Enoch M. & Lorraine A. Hasti to constr garage & convert to living quarters to be used while exist res on front of lot is dismantled; 3627 Eugene Pl; Condl. Res. No. 8384 7-21-54 E- l yr Ext to Enoch M. & Lorraine A. Hasti on Res. 8384 ABOVE to constr garage & convert to living quarters to be used while exist res is dismantled. Res. No. 9085 8-3-55 E- Permit to Enoch M. & Lorraine A. Hasti to move single fam res on parcel split prior to 12-5-54 & after move & repairs completed, remove kitchen & convert exist dwell back to garage; 3627 Eugene Pl.; Zone R-l.; Condl, Case No. 3443 7-{S-6:>