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Development Services

Normal Heights Block 41 Card 1

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 41 CARD 1.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 40 Card No. 1 Lot 42- Granted to A. B. Markle- restaurant to prop line on Adams Ave. Res. 54642 9-2-30 S 46 1 of Resub of Por. of Lots 36- 37- Granted to I. W. Nicholas to erect dwell 3' from prop line, at 3460 School St. Res. 66106 6-15-37----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ely 80' of Lot 13- Permit to G. J. Massee to constr addns to exist dwell w/out st frontage, 4623 Hawley Blvd. Res. 899 4-12-45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E 50' of Lot 17- I yr. Permit to C. M. Stice, 4602- 35th St, Hand laundry in garage, for Res. 63150 6-4-35 Lot 35- Permit to Normal Hts Methodist Church to constr S.S. classrms bldg w/12' rear yd & 52.8/4 coverage, 3468 School St. Res. 7844 10-28-53 Lot 23- Permit to Oneira Club, Mrs. T. D. Morris, Pres., to constr 9' x 12' addh to exist clubhouse having 0' side yd; addn to have 3' side yd, 4649 Hawley Blvd. Res. 8046 3-3-54 Lot 23- Permit to Oneira Women's Club to constr addn to exist bldg on SE corner School St & Hawley Blvd, Zone R-4; Condi. Res. 9308 11-23-55