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Development Services

Normal Heights Block 41

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 41.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 41 Lot 30- Permit to W. H. Kroboth to constr duplex in rear of property, making 3 units on lot, w/8 1 access to st; 4644 Wi Ison Ave; Condi. Res. 5344 2-21-51 Lots 16 & 17 (Por)- Permit to Jack & Pearl Herd to make interior alterations to exist nonconforming res w/1 1 rear yd; 4611- 35th St. Res. 6521 6-11-52 Lot 20- Permit DENIED Robert O. & Florence A. Henkel to constr 10' x 30 1 detach carport 15 1 from front P.L. obs 30" side yd, where 3' side yd req; 3528 Madison Ave betw 35th St & Wilson Ave; Zone R-4. Case No. 6709 10-7-64 ABOVE APPEALED & appeal granted & decision of Assistant Zoning Admin. overruled & appellant's appeal sustained; Condi. Case No. 6709 11-17-64 Lot 11- Permit to Maurice & Jean McCullough to omit approx 35 1 of req 6 1 wall (3' hi in req front yd) along So property 1 ine where such wall req to encl parking area; 4651- 35th St betw Adams Ave & Madison Ave, Zone R-4. Case No. 11099 N.H. 3-9-72,,-