Normal Heights Block 4
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 4.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 4 s Lot 1- 5o81 Mansfield Avenue Res. 63038 5-14-35 R-2 (Ord. 12898) suspended for 3 nouses (Setback 10' Mountain View Dr. Permit to Ted Freville, above address. Res. 63039 5-14-35 Por Lot 1- Permit to R. E. & Patricia J. Reeves to const dinette & gar addn to res addn to obs 3' side yard wnere 4' is req, S side of N Mt. View Dr between Mansfield and 35th Sts. C-141 6-9-54 Por of Lot 1- Permit to R. E. & Patricia J. Reeves to constr approx 16 1 x 20' gar addn to res said addn to obs 6 1 SB wnere 10' average is req, S side of N Mt. View Dr. betw Mansfield and 35tn Sts. Res 8237 6-9-54 Lot 13- AGREEMENT to MARYL. SWANSON to add a two-story, 500 sq. ft. addition to rear of 5021 Mansfield Street, at 5021-5021 Mansfield Street, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #2733 12-14-81